Saturday, March 3, 2012

A new Painting

Awaiting Excalibur's Return
24" x 48"
Acrylic on panel
  Just finished my latest commission.  I did a lot of experimentation with it.  I used a paintbrush, a pallet knife, a toothbrush, a Gatorade lid, and my fingers.  Learned a lot and had a good time.

  They wanted a nude in a nautical setting but it turned out to be more aquatic than nautical.  I don't have much control on how my paintings turn out.  They evolve and develop a life of their own.  I just kinda let it take me over and sit back and watch.  It turns to crap if I fight it.  I'm happy with how it turned out.  They haven't seen it yet and if they don't like it I'll do a different one if that's what they want.

  Last night was the first quarterly Art Walk of the year.  It went well even though it was the lowest turn out of artists.  I met lots of interesting people and got to hear their comments on my newest work.  I was kind of apprehensive but it was all positive.  They like the direction my work is taking.

  I just moved into a new house with a studio so I have a lot more space to experiment and throw some paint.  I look forward to seeing the direction my work takes in the near future.


  1. Tim will L O V E this! We were at the other house this weekend entertaining company, so no art walk for us. :-( You and your son should come up one weekend when the weather gets nice.... Sort of a mini vacation. :-)

  2. Cool, I hope he does. That sounds like fun. Would like to see the new place.
